All students deserve a positive and courteous learning environment. A courteous learning environment is in line with the Madonna University Core Values. Students should be aware that their behavior impacts other people, even online.
It is expected that we will all strive to develop a positive and supportive learning environment and will be courteous to fellow students and your instructor.
Things to consider, depending upon the learning environment:
- Always think before you speak and write. In other words, use vocabulary and tone that are appropriate in the academic setting. Messages, whether verbal or written, can be misinterpreted, so please think and review your message before you respond or “click” the submit button.
- Keep it relevant. There are places where you can chat and or post for fun everyday stuff. In the learning environment, do not stray from the class discussion or in the assigned online questions.
- Never use all caps in online communication. This is the equivalent of yelling in the online world. It is not fun to read. Only use capital letters when appropriate.
- Make sure that you are using appropriate grammar and structure. In other words, you should not write in slang, such as, “R U” instead of “are you.” There are people in the class that may not understand this type of abbreviation, not to mention it does nothing to help expand your writing and vocabulary skills. Emoticons are fine as long as they are appropriate. A smile ☺ is welcome, anything offensive is not.
- Learning Environment Dialogue: Differing opinions in the college classroom are beneficial and can lead to deeper understanding of course content. Integrity, civility, and respect for others are essential. Personal attacks however, are not consistent with Madonna University Core Values and will not be tolerated.
- Treat people in the online learning environment the same as you would face-to-face. In an online environment it is easier to depersonalize your responses. In some cases, it empowers people to treat others in ways they would not in person. Remember there is a person behind the name on your screen. Always remember to treat everyone with dignity and respect.
- Respect the time of others. Your college classes, regardless of learning environment, will often require you to work in groups. Learn to respect the time of others in your group and your experience will be much better. You may be one that works best with the pressures of the deadline looming on you, but others may not be that way. The same is true for the reverse. The key to a successful group assignment is organization, communication and a willingness to do what it takes to get it done.