Textbook Rental and Purchase Information
Slingshot is an auto fulfillment service. When you register for your courses, this service electronically fulfills the required course materials for each course, and delivers them directly to the Spirit Store or the residence hall before classes start. Your course materials will be a combination of physical and digital e-books. There’s no need for you to order books. You will have all of your course materials and none of the book-buying hassle.
- Go to madonna.slingshotedu.com
- Click the Login With School Account button.
- You’ve already got an account – use your Madonna University email address and password when prompted.
- If you are registered for courses, your schedule will appear and you can manage your course material preferences
From the Slingshot portal, you can:
- Manage your account and delivery preferences
- Access your digital course materials
- See when your rentals are due, or purchase more time
Here are some frequently asked questions:
Am I signed up for Slingshot automatically?
Yes. In order to make sure every student has all of their required course materials Madonna has decided that the default option for students is opted-in. Any student can opt out, but we can’t guarantee availability of books at the Spirit Store for students who have opted out. If you choose to opt out, you will need to complete the opt-out form available in MY Portal under Student Tab/Eforms/Opt Out/Automated Course Materials.
How are course materials delivered?
Students living on campus, will have their initial package delivered to their campus residence. Any books that arrive after that initial delivery can be picked up in the Spirit Store. Students that live off campus will pick up all physical course materials in the Spirit Store or can select a shipping preference of “Mail” to receive items at their home address for an additional shipping fee ($3.99 per item). Digital items will be accessible on the Slingshot portal under “My Course Materials”. Email notifications will be sent when items are ready for pick-up and when digital items are available to access.
How much does Slingshot cost?
This full-service course material subscription will appear as a $30 per-credit-hour Course Material Fee on your student account. This pays for all required course materials for your upcoming semester.
For more detailed FAQs please visit https://madonna.slingshotedu.com/#/faq or reach out to Slingshot’s Customer Support team with any questions at https://www.slingshotedu.com/support (phone, chat, or email).
Please reach out to madonna@slingshotedu.com if you have any questions about orders.
Slingshot FAQ
Can I use my Madonna University student account to pay for books online?
We can accept Madonna University student account payments via phone or chat! Just have your ISBNs and student ID number ready and call us at 888-392-2930 or chat with us at https://www.slingshotedu.com/support.
How can I track my order?
Once you have placed an order through the website, you can view your order’s current status and tracking number (if applicable) by logging into this website, and navigating to the “My Transactions” tab.
How do I access digital items?
If you have purchased a digital item, that item will be accessible under the “My Course Materials” tab upon logging into the madonna.treeoflifebooks.com portal.
What is the online order return policy?
For online orders, all sales are final unless accompanied by a course withdrawal. If you drop the class, you can return your book within 14 days of the start of your course when you provide proof of your course drop. In the case of a drop, all items must be returned in the original condition that they were provided. Some digital restrictions apply.
What if I need to return a digital item?
Digital items fall outside our normal return and refund policies, as each publisher has set different policies on digital. Digital items are refundable within 14 days of the first day of access, or thirty (30) days after the purchase is made, whichever occurs first. Additionally, we cannot fulfill refund requests if more than 10% of the product has been viewed and/or if any page(s) of the product has been printed. We’d recommend contacting our Support Team as soon as possible if you think you will need to return an item.
Who do I contact if I have other questions?
Email the Slingshot Support Team anytime at madonna@slingshotedu.com where the estimated response time is within 24 hours. Alternatively, Slingshot staff are available by chat or phone every Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. -11 p.m. EST. Please utilize the online chat box or call 1-888-392-2930.